The Benefits of Offering Virtual Internships

Virtual internships have become increasingly popular in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend. As a job agency connecting companies with students and postgraduates looking for internships, it’s important to understand the benefits of offering virtual internships.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 54.4% of employers planned to offer virtual internships in 2021, up from 43% in 2020. And also that virtual internships can increase diversity in the workplace by allowing companies to attract interns from different geographic locations and backgrounds. Here are some reasons why virtual internships can be a smart investment for companies:

Increased flexibility:

Virtual internships offer increased flexibility for both the company and the intern. Interns can work from anywhere, which can help to attract a wider pool of talent. Companies can also benefit from the flexibility of not having to provide physical office space or equipment.

Lower costs:

Virtual internships can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person internships. Companies can save on expenses such as office space, utilities, and equipment.

Access to a wider pool of talent:

Virtual internships can help companies to access a wider pool of talent, including students and postgraduates who may not be able to relocate for an internship. This can help to attract candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Reduced environmental impact:

Virtual internships can reduce the environmental impact of commuting and physical office space. This can be an attractive feature for companies that prioritize sustainability.

Increased productivity:

Virtual internships can increase productivity by allowing interns to work in their own environment and on their own schedule. This can lead to a more comfortable and relaxed work environment, which can increase motivation and productivity.

Valuable experience:

Virtual internships can provide interns with valuable experience in the digital and remote work environment. This experience can be valuable in today’s job market, where remote work is becoming more common.

A study conducted by the Internship Institute found that virtual internships can increase intern satisfaction by 70%, compared to in-person internships and also virtual internships can increase intern retention rates by 60%.

Another research conducted by found that remote work can increase productivity by 77%.

In conclusion, offering virtual internships can be a smart investment for companies looking to attract and develop future talent. Virtual internships offer increased flexibility, lower costs, access to a wider pool of talent, reduced environmental impact, increased productivity, and valuable experience in the digital and remote work environment.

As a job agency connecting companies with students and postgraduates looking for internships, it’s important to encourage companies to consider the benefits of offering virtual internships and help them to find the right talent for their organization.